Philippines 🇵🇭 - Day 32, 33, 34 & 35 - Siquijor 3/3

The next accommodation was a proper hostel this time, and with a kitchen for once! (although I didn't use it)
The second day, I went to another waterfall called Locong Falls. I was originally aiming for Kawasan Falls (not the one in Cebu) but ended up there instead.
It was a great discovery, very small and intimate. I went down with a guide; as usual they don't charge a fixed price, you only give what you want.
These falls had one swing jump, and another area with a waterfall and a break in the trees to jump from. That one was a tight jump with a small landing spot, but so fun!
Two other french guys were there at the same time as me. We played around in the waterfalls together with the guide and 2 other local kids who were around.
I left shortly before sunset, with just enough time to get back to the beach on the west coast.
I then went to Baha Bar again for dinner.

The next day I went to a beach I'd found on Google Maps, which had a nice cliff diving spot. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of that jumping point.
It certainly wasn't the nicest place on the island. The beach belongs to a complete resort, absolutely packed with people everywhere on the beach and the restaurant tables when I got there. It was fine once in the water and on the diving spots.
There were two platforms, one just above the 6 metre mark and the other around 10 metres. I started off with a couple jumps from the lower one, then stuck to the higher one.
I was pleasantly surprised to meet the 2 french guys from the waterfalls the day before. They are two childhood friends, one having just completed an internship in Manila and the other now living in Sidney after a year of study abroad.

We left at the same time, when the place was closing as the sun was setting.
We then went for drinks at a sort of street bar on the side of the road along the sea. It was a super cheap bar with very nice classic drinks and a bartender, who seemed to love her job.
While we were enjoying our drinks, the lights suddenly went off. Something had evidently blown at the top of an electricity pylon, as someone quickly started climbing to the top with very little protective gear and the issue was fixed within minutes.

For my last day on the island, I first went to the Sambulawan Underground River.
It was a small network of caves with a river flowing through them. I got there at the same time as two Polish guys, so they took us on a tour together.
We got to see little insects and bats hanging from the ceiling, and plenty of natural sculptures on the walls.

After that I went to Piton Cliff, which I saw has a great sunset view and brilliant diving spot.
I first enjoyed the view, then jumped off the 2 metre then the 15 metre cliff diving spots. It was a super fun spot, with other fun people also jumping. One guy jumped from the very top, which was probably around 19 metres high!
At these kind of heights, I of course always jump with my water shoes to avoid hitting the water badly and hurting my feet.
After watching the sunset, I went to Baha Bar one last time to enjoy some food and live music. That night was reggae music, still with the same band playing.
I enjoyed the food on my last night on the island, although there might've possibly been something wrong because I spent a very unpleasant day on my way back to Cebu.