🗺️ - Day 11 & 12 - From Amman to Cebu

Even though I got to Amman airport slightly later than anticipated, I still had plenty of time before my flight, and even more because I found out it was delayed when I got there!
When I was checking in, the lady asked me if I had an onward flight out of the Philippines, without which I wouldn't be allowed to enter. I didn't, so I had to quickly book one.
Luckily, I had already look before, including dates, so I picked the 24th of January. When I looked before it was a cheaper day and it coincided well with the plannings of my friends I'd be visiting.
The first leg of the journey was from Amman to Kuwait with a 2 hour flight.
Part way through the flight, I was surprised to be served a hot meal. I only expected one for the next leg–which was much longer.

After a 6 hour layover, it was time for the second leg of the journey, from Kuwait to Manila. This flight was 9.5 hours, and I got served another hot meal.

The last leg was from Manila to Cebu. For this one I had 3 hours and had to change terminal, so I passed immigration in Manila. This flight was also delayed so I got to Cebu airport only at 11pm.
I first went to find an ATM to withdraw cash, then I took a taxi to my hostel. When I checked beforehand, I saw taxis were quite cheap, and even cheaper when using an app called Grab–basically South-East Asia's Uber. However, the data plan I took wasn't activated yet and I couldn't order a Grab. I ended up paying 500 pesos (~8€) for the 25 minute ride, not much more than the price with grab.
I checked in to Hostel7 without any problem, and immediately crashed out for a good night's sleep.